Form elements


  1. Label
  2. Text input
  3. Buttons
  4. Breadcrumbs
  5. Alerts
  6. Radio buttons
  7. File upload

1. Label

  • To be confirmed



<div class="entity-form">
<fieldset class="entity-none">
<div class="info">
<label>Demo Label</label>


2. Text input

  • Use a text input field to let a user enter text that is no longer than a single line, such as their name or phone number.



<div class="entity-form">
<fieldset class="entity-none" >
<input type="text" class="text" />

How to use them

See guidance from .GOV.UK on text input widths at:

3. Buttons

Different buttons to be used depending on the context.

How to use them

Write button text in sentence case, describing the action it performs. For example ‘Save and continue’ or ‘Start now’.


See original component and latest research for this on the Government’s design system at:

3.1 Main call to action button


When to use it

Use this button on 'start' screens and to help users carry out an action like submitting an application or saving progress.

3.2 Secondary call to action button

Secondary call to action button example

<div class="entity-form">
<fieldset class="entity-none">
<button type="button" class="button" id="btnSubmit-alt">Show More</button>

When to use this

Use this secondary call to action button if you need to include an action within a page and there is already a main call to action button present


4. Breadcrumbs

The breadcrumbs element is used to help the user understand where they are within the website and to move between them.

<div class="container">
<div class="row page-top">
<div class="col-md-8">
<ul class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="" title="Home">HSE</a></li>
<li><a href="">Design guide</a></li>
<li class="active"> <a href="">Elements</a></li>
<div class="xrm-editable-html&#32;xrm-attribute" data-languageContext="English">
<div class="xrm-attribute-value">
<div class="services-share">
<div class="col-md-4 text-right">
<p class="share addthis_toolbox">
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When to use it

Use this when you need to help users understand and move between levels of a website.

Don’t use it to show progress through a linear transaction. 

If other navigation is present, consider whether it is required or not.

How to use it

It should show the current page (not linked) and then the pages/path above with each item linked to that page.


See original component and latest research for this on the Government’s design system at:


5. Alerts

Use an error message when there is a validation error. Explain what went wrong and how to fix it.


The form could not be submitted for the following reasons

<div class="entity-form class="entity-none";>
<div class="validation-summary alert alert-error alert-danger alert-block">
<h4 class="validation-header">The form could not be submitted for the following reasons</h4>
<li><a href="">How many are classified radiation employees? is a required field.</a></li>

When to use it

Show an error message at the top of the page  when there is a validation error.

How to use it

Summarise all errors at the top of the page the user is on using an error summary and link each error statement to the field in question.


See original component and latest research for this on the Government’s design system at:


We are amending this to follow GDS guidance so that an error message is also displayed next to the field.


6. Radio buttons

There are two types of radio buttons - inline and vertically stacked.

6.1 Radio buttons (inline)

Radio buttons (inline) example

<div class="entity-form">

When to use

Use this when a user can only select one of two options, for example, yes/no.

Don’t use this if a user needs to select more than one option or if there are more than two options to select from.


See original component and latest research for this on the Government’s design system at:


6.2 Radio buttons (stacked vertically)

Radio buttons (stacked vertically) example

<div class="entity-form">

When to use

Use this when a user can only select one option from three or more options.

Don’t use this when there are only two options to select from.


See original component and latest research for this on the Government’s design system at:


7. File upload

Help users select and upload a file.



<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label" for="file-input"> Upload a file </label>
<input type="file" id="file-input">

When to use this

You should only ask users to use this if it’s critical to the delivery of the service.


See original component and latest research for this on the Government’s design system at: